On these 5 days for me is feel like the episode of what I want to eat before I die or craving those of pregnancy. All of my favorite food that I have been eating since I grew up until today. Every single dish pop up in my mind! And I ask if I like or I just craved for it? I normally don't crave for something specific food because I am not a picky eater, only time to time I feel like ramen, burger, Thai stir fry ground pork basil with rice, hot chocolate, macarons, ice cream, etc. But these 4 days, from morning to the night I would come up with at less 10 food item that I want to eat. I wrote those down, it helpful during this phase, helpful for reflection later as I learn more about myself of what is my favorite food during this hardest day. HOW DO I FEEL? For me, I think these 5 days get the really intense day, for this phase! But what no matter what my minds try to drive me back to the comfort of the foods, It didn't change my mind to quit Whole30. - I totally feel great to fit in my pants again. Mine physically is 100% wonderful. - My skin has totally improved in the good direction! My skin is all clear up and look brighter than before. - Digestion is still pretty good during this phase. No bloating after I eat, all pants fitting good. I lost 5.5 pounds from where I start. I know this program are not allow you to weight, and measure. But Hey I can't wait and see the result. Also, Thank you for stopping by and reading my article.
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” Robert H. Schuller Categories